Sunday, August 8, 2010

Skateboard Safety Equipment


  • Helmets need to be worn by all skaters, at all ability levels, at all times to prevent head injuries
  • The helmet must fit securely and be buckled or fastened
  • Do not buy a helmet that moves on the head when the head moves
  • The front of the helmet should come down to just a finger's width above the eyebrows
  • Bike-style helmets, made from expanded polystyrene, offer the most protection on impact, but must be replaced after every impact

Knee pads

  • All skaters, and especially beginners, should wear knee pads to prevent knee injuries and scrapes
  • Pads need to be fastened securely around the leg
  • Pads are usually sized small, medium and large according to body size

Elbow pads

  • Elbow pads are also highly recommended for beginners as well as all aggressive skaters
  • Elbow pads are sized small, medium and large according to body size

Wrist guards and gloves

  • Hand protection is recommended to be worn at all times
  • Some guards and gloves are manufactured with a hard plastic splint. These offer the maximum protection against injury.
  • They are sized small, medium and large according to body size

*click on the pictures to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Collapsible steps allow for a modified evade route in the occasion that protected passage to the 'abnormal' amounts of a house are not feasible.

    Safety supply
